sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

Danny Kai's Interview

(estamos fazendo uma versão em portugues do post =D)

This is a different post, about the Hill Valley High, but we will keep talk about McFly.

(Sorry but I can´t up load any image)

The Hill Valley High it´s a pop/ pop punk English group from Telford, formed in 2006. Phil, Olly, Joe, Danny, Dan Kai and Finchy, aren´t only members of the same band, they are best friends that want to make a happy sound for the people.(We don´t talk very much about them, sorry =/ but if you wanna know more, visit their myspace, the link is in the end of the post xD).
So, here is the interview that we made with Dan Kai. hope you enjoy it. =D

The name of the band, have something with the school of the city of the movie ``back to the future´´ right?

Yeah we decided to call ourselves after the school from back to the future as this is the majority of our favourite film! :) x

Who chose this name?
Phil chose the name :) after some long ideas (we can´t remember what other names we had lol)

How the band began and how did you meet each others?
Myself (Kai) and Phil were in a band together earlier on, and Phil started talking to Olly, we wanted to start a band who made happy popish music to make people have fun and smile, Olly introduced us to Finch about a month after we started (we all went to college together), Phil introduced us to Joe when he moved to uni, and Danny covered me on drums (i use to be the drummer) and i moved onto synth when i got back from America, and that was the line up of HVH complete :)

Every band got some influences of others bands. Which bands that influence HVH?
Early on our influences were very much Mcfly, Son of Dork, new found glory but soon moved onto all time low, you me at six, paramore ect, we all have individual tastes of music which helps us bring different styles into the music, influences ranging from indie, pop punk, to full rock and even disney harmonies etc :)

Did you meet any of these bands/singers?
well we met the drummer from son of dork, as he´s now with us! haha and yeah we met the majority of the guys from SOD, met the Mcfly guys, and individually we have met a lot of people which were lucky :)

How can you describe the style of HVH?
oooh thats a hard one, individual hah :) but i´d say very much along the same genre of you me at six, all time low esc, with a little bit of edge ;), if your into this genre then youll be into us too :) and were nice boys, we dont bite.... much! ;)

Who usually writes the songs?
We all try to dabble, it´s usually Phil, Joe, Danny and Olly who do the main parts, but when were all in the rehearsal studio we write our own individual parts to fill in certain sections, so they do the bulk of it, but we all write and contribute to ideas and breaks :)

What´s your favorite song of the band?
ME (kai) personally is a toss up between BILLIE and Sweet talking melodies, billie is up beat and the solo in the middle 8 is very Mcfly sounding that makes you wanna play the air guitar and rock out! and Sweet talking melodies sounds epic with the harmonies and layered vocals and instrumentation! :) love them!

You´re working in album right? What can you say for us about it?
That it´s going to be sweet :) can´t wait to show you guys, the music that we have been writing is sounding awesome and Phil Joe Olly and Danny are writing like CRAZY!!! hehe so were getting alot of ideas down and our set is growing by the day :)

You have already been here in Brazil. What did you guess?
IT WAS AMAZING, soo nice it´s full of awesome people who are always smiling and generally happy to see you, in the UK it´s kind of different, they dont get excited as much and they try and act cool! and sometimes it can be slightly awkward, but with brazil you guys are so AWESOME! and cant wait to come back next year :)

You know some words in portuguese. How did you learn?
yeah we only know a little and through the fans, through conversations with them, and when we met some of them in brazil :) they were saying "say this say this" so we picked up basic words and phrases from you guys :) (and i picked up some from camilla as shes brazilian haha) :)

Without Brazil, Which countries HVH has already been?
Just the UK at the moment, but were deffinately eyeing up ireland and japan! really wanna head over to the East always wanted to visit :)

If you could write any song that already exists. Which would you choose?
hmmm, again personally i would have to say Thriller by Michael Jackson, to have written a song for such a high profile artist and idol of mine personally would of been amazing, not to mention Thriller is the biggest selling album / song of all time! :) wow could you imagine! :)

What band would you like to play?
OOhh thats a hard one again, theres soo many me personally i would of loved to have played in the Beetles, just to be around with beetle mania would have been amazing! and to have influenced the music scene as it is today would have been a huge achievement! so my answer would be the Beetles!

And the last question: What can we wait about Hill Valley High?
we have soo much planned and being sorted as we speak, we have had the myspace all finished now :) were releasing our single sweet talking melodies in october along side atticus :) releasing a special tshirt with the atticus logo, hoping to be shooting a few music videos, brazilian tour next year ahhh theres loads of things and many more planned things that i cant say yet!

Well this is the interview that Nick made with Daniel Kai from the Hill Valley High, we hope that you enjoyed it xD We put some videos of his songs here, take a look, you´ll like =D

Sweet Talking Melodies

After The Surf


So here it´s the Hill Valley Hill,
Visit their myspace and check the news. hillvhigh
their twitter account @hillvalleyhigh
and the each member account
Phil @philhvh
Daniel Kai @kaihvh
Olly @ollyhvh
Danny Hall @dannyhallhvh
Joe @joehvh
Finchy (Scott) @finchyhvh

Special Thanks for Daniel Kai xD

If you want to follow us on twitter @Mc3rdblog

And our e-mail mc.3rd@hotmail.com

Interview made by Nick, Text by Pedro